Quoting backup7, reply 6
How did Doci steal grimm's roid when it was under cultural influence?Doci is famous for hax. This is one of his early ones. The Z axis worm hole is a lot better.
No hax involved. Apparently the rules about culture and colonization circulated on this forum (and on the Wikia) are old and by now wrong. Others have been able to colonize in similar circumstances [I haven't tested myself]; see https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/455112/page/1/
Quoting Seleuceia, reply 4
Well played Doci, that was an impressive double revelation start...if only Grimm had built a third kol, things might have turned out differently...
What are you even talking about? haha
Jokes like this should be off limits until the devs actually fix the damn recording/playback bugs. You can actually see two different things when watching the same recording twice. Even happened to me with my own SP recordings. The types of capital ships produced don't seem to ever be recorded in a bugged fashion (ergo this joke is still on) although whether caps (and SBs) survive or not when pummeled actually can diverge into alternate reality on playback; saw more than one occurrence of that, e.g. cap/SB saved with 200 hp in one playback, dead in the next, so yeah... you could see some noob with 3 Kols in a playback if the game gremlins keep his first two alive like that. Once a ship is magically saved from destruction in a playback, most ships don't shoot at it, except passing shots or if it somehow remains alone in a well with lots of enemies... the ship AI takes over basically.
Anyway, first time I tried to watch this, it actually MD/crashed about 1hr in. Second time went fine though, although I had upgraded to the 1.82.5006 by then (from the 1.82.4xxx BETA), so that might have fixed something.
Frankly what this recording shows first and foremost is how pointless most frigate types are in Sins, in a competitive setting, of course. LF spam for a full hour (and 15 mins) ftw.
One thing that surprised me is that Grimm didn't kill Doci's Mazra in those repeated chases (assuming that's what actually happened and I didn't see some bugged alternate reality version that recordings sometimes show) even though he had some 80 Disciples going after it at one point. But it was still alive at the end from what I saw. Killing the various broadcast centers and trade ports wasn't a bad idea as 3 of those basically cost what the Mazra does. But considering that the Mazra was keeping at zero the population of a planet that otherwise made about what two trade ports made... the econ exchange was perhaps a wash.
I have a bit more to say about calculating/estimating cap ship survivability around repair platforms, but that's info of general interest so it's gonna go in a new thread.