"One trick ponies" often have thousands of games just this season. Thousands! On one champ!
Annie Bot (Master - Annie): 2200 games on Annie just in the past 11 months.
Mister Oink (currently Diamond II, formerly Master - AP Sejani mid): 1050 games on Sejani this season.
Lily Lancer (Master, Shaco support): 950 of shaco this season on just ONE of his FIVE accounts
Now, part of playing the game is having fun. i think we can all agree that there is a certain amount of weight to be put into playing champions you enjoy, rather than solely champions that have the highest PBW.
But until you start putting in hundreds of games of support Shaco, this guys success isn't something that you can use to support your own argument. You aren't at all like him.
These people are clearly mechanically strong. You pretty much have to be in order to play that much. If the point was to climb, don't you think that they would have hit Master Tier much faster playing meta champs? What do you think was the "win % penalty" for his ADC going on tilt because "fuck this shit. i got troll support shaco in my promo series". 1%? 3%? 5%? That means he has to be good enough at the champion to overcome a negative teamstart before the game has even started!
i'm going to make a statement here that has no statistical basis. i've never kept track of these records, but my own support evidence is this:
Even the best players in the world, on their mains, have only a ~55% winrate.
This means that, even the best players in the world, have, control only about 10% of their total number of games won (assuming the vast majority of players fall within a 45-55% win rate when playing against similarily skilled opponents).
My claim is the following:
There are 5 types of games. Each make up about 20% of your overall games.
First, you have games you are almost always going to lose. Aced in the jungle. 3-11 at 8 minutes, etc.
Second, you have games where you're somewhat behind at 20 minutes, but there's hope. You tend to lose these games more than you win, but you still win them sometimes. You're a few towers/kills/dragons behind a team with better scaling.
Third, these are the close games. Objectives are traded, nothing earned for free. Kills are close. Both teams contest vision and have similar scaling.
Fourth, are the games where you are reasonably ahead. You'll probably win these, but you can always throw.
Finally, are games you have no business losing. It happens still, sometimes, but it really shouldn't.
Some champions are better in certain kinds of games (except champs that are just mega-OP). Stalling mids like Anivia and Ziggs, as well as safe hypercarries such as Trist and Ryze are really good at turning around #2. Assassins and high damage mid-game ADCs like Corki and Lucian are really good at closing out #4 games.
Some champs are really bad in #1. Like jungle Tryndamere. Some champs are incredible at #5.
Now, you're a programmer so you should be familiar with Amdahl's Law and the Optimization problem.
Let's say, as an example, there exists a champion who is just incredible at turning around games of type #1, and average-at-best in every type of other game. This champion would probably be the most OP thing ever, because they'd be able to win, probably, 70% of their games.
On the other hand, there exists a champion who is incredible at closing out games of type #5, but average at everything else. They'd probably still "only" have a 50% win rate.
Since i don't think there are any champions that are able to turn around #1s that aren't going to be retarded OP, and making #5 games from a 98% winrate to a 100% winrate doesn't really mean anything, you really should only be focusing on game types #2, #3, and #4.
You said you lost one game because of a "retard mid". For argument's sake, let's classify that as a #2 game. Let's look at some supports that are able to fulfill some of a mid's functions: Zyra, Lux and Sona (as an AoE initator). Annie is a mage-like support, but she tends to struggle when behind. These champs have some sort of ranged CC that allows them to make a pick, offer some auxiliary waveclear. Sona and Lux both have shields to prevent poke from the enemy fed midlaner. Zyra and Lux both have safe "reveal the bush" abilities, preventing fatal facechecks.
The fact of the matter is, Shaco is going to be really bad in #2 games. He doesn't have the ability to consistently CC a fed target that is munching up your team. AoE mages are going to be out of range. Fed assassins have multiple juicy targets (everyone but top lane), and you can't keep them all safe. You can't assassinate a fed Tristana.
Luckily, he has some benefit in #3 and #4 games. Deceive allows him to ward much safer than normal supports. Boxes contribute additional vision and make him less dependent on the team doing their part of the warding. Boxes provide good zoning potential for dragons, and hallucinate can tank objectives such as towers. In #4 games, a fast DFG allows him to clean up after fights, and enhance his teams damage .
Of the 3 supports i listed above, plus Annie... also are really good in #3 and #4 games. Sona, Lux, Zyra, and Annie can all do incredible 4 or 5 man ults that instantly win games. Zyra in particular can have massive damage with just a Liandries. Tibbers can tank towers, Sona can heal up baron damage, Lux and Zyra can do some great roots against enemy facechecks.
Of course, Sona is not-so-good in #5 games, espiecially compared to support Shaco.
So, the way i see it is:
- Shaco is really bad in #1 games, but those don't matter.
- He's also really good in #5 games, but those also don't matter
- Nearly all supports have a consistent power curve in #2, #3, #4 games.
- Shaco is not significantly better than most supports in any #3 game. He does not have the same teamfight support, but he does offer very unique vision advantages. So we'll call it a draw.
- Shaco is worse in #2 games
- Shaco is better in a #4 game, assuming what your team needs is more damage. Most teams do not need more damage, since we are already in a squishy, damage-focused meta. AoE initiation is extremely powerful and is typically only found on tank junglers - not particularly popular atm - and supports. If your team needs AoE initiation, then Shaco is worse than other options.
- Shaco support will put some people on tilt, causing an instant 1-5% reduction of winnable games.