So, I'm liking ash. More on that in a sec.
I got to play against someone named Vampyro tonight. Now, before thunder's head explodes with the need to point the following out, he seemed to have gotten trolled by his awful, awful support. Then his jungle buddy that was queued up with him tried to babysit him to help him out but things were pretty well lost for him at that point.
Anyway - 2 questions re: him - 1st - brad wong seemed to recognize him and said he was really good, so I played conservatively and didn't buy a zz portal. Anyway, what do folks know about him? His just diamond 5 now.
I noticed he runs a somewhat crazy adc rune page for twitch (ala draven when his passive was god tier). 19.2 arm pen, 9 arm, scaling mr. ZERO AS. Reviewing his stats, he does pretty much only play twitch. His kda is poo in ranked (1.94), but he has a 52% win rate. Seems pretty hit and miss. Really good or really smeh.
Anyway, any thoughts on an arm pen setup on twitch? I think its something you could do if you were god tier in lane perhaps and then you could just destroy mid... but if you f it up early, you are kind of fugged through mid without a jungler carrying you around. Am I missing something? Sounds like a really bad idea to me.
We played against mixed elos tonight, so its hard to say if she's really strong, but I'm liking ash. Won 3 out of 4 games with 2 perfect kda games (11/0/7 and 5/0/7) with my lowest kda at 3.17. Usually I'm a bit worse on champs I don't play a lot, so it might be that she's a little strong atm... or folks just don't know what to do with her yet... or we just had favorable matchups. She might be a little too strong early game. I think it might be best to put some pressure on her lane early if possible, but she zones pretty well.
Anyway, anyone else play ash already - thoughts?