Quoting WJC3688, reply 2310 Cobalts vs 1 Akkan (level 1 w/ colonize and a fighter squad)
Was anything upgraded on either side?
What were the targeting orders?
Did you retreat wounded units or was it a fight till death? EDIT: I mean move them out of enemy fire range.
You forgot to mention the most important detail, what was the positioning of the Akkan and where were the Cobalts? Were the Cobalts or the capital ship ever repositioning?
All of these were with no research. There were no "targeting orders"...... the Cobalts only have 1 thing to shoot at, and the Akkan cannot "focus fire" as it is a single unit. I did not attempt any micro on either side, for now I am more interested in seeing "base" outcomes with auto-attacks before attempting to do advanced micro. Any micro that I performed was mentioned in the descriptions, if there was no mention of micro, none occurred. If I had to venture a guess, the Akkan might have gotten mileage out of run-through micro, but not as much as say Gardas due to its incredibly slow turn rate. Likewise the cobalts could fight more efficiently by running the nearly-dead frigates out of the gravity well, but these would likely not be able to re-join the fight in time to make a big difference.
Yeah we already knew Capital ships at lower levels are not that good against Flak because of their higher hit points. You can even feel it when you are colonizing with the Akkan, it takes quite some time getting rid of the flak frigates, that's why people just leave them there and buiild a turret.
And yet in the past you listed capital ships as a counter to Flak. Now you attempt to de-value the results by saying "yea we already knew that, so what?" A glimpse into the convenient side-switching tactics of the Anti-Flak Lobby.
Gardas are meant to counter carriers hard, but were squadrons already built or did they just start building it while under attack?
I made sure the squads were pre-built. It would be pretty silly to have the carriers fighting with no strike craft ready yet, that would only be realistic if you were building them at a world already under siege, in which case you would obv. just build conventional combat frigates to defend, not carriers. I even let the carriers build up 100-150 antimatter after their squads finished.
Fighters for a strange reason have a stupid attack priority system, foe example when you jump in on an asteroid, the fighter wing many times targets the Cobalt, against which it is extremely poor. Or many times if it's a bigger planet THE GARDAS, lol, extremely poor choice, why not Krosov or LRM instead?
Kiting is very effective, and does not really need much experience to pull it off, even works against orkies but once it catches up lol..
Well the speed of the victim matters. Obviously you can "kite" an Orkulus much more effectively than a light frigate, which I believe has the highest speed values after scouts.
When jumping into neutral planets, my strikecraft seem to just target whatever ship is closest (when left to auto-attack), whether it's a Garda or a Krosov.
Can you give us TIME? How long did it take each battle to finish? My guess is the Garda one took forever. More importantly, for these tests to have any real value, you should upload the videos of them........... For this time we can only trust your word on these, even if we don't have every imporant detail.
The Flak fight did indeed take longer to kill the Akkan than any other method, but I don't particularly see the relevance. The Akkan has to retreat or take damage, it cannot trade damage efficiently; there's no point in its sticking around regardless of whether it takes 5 minutes or 15 to die. This would be relevant in a situation where it is bombing a newly colonized roid during the earlygame though, Flak would ineffective to deter it from just killing the roid and then leaving while ignoring all the frigates. But you would be unlikely to even have the Flak research, or the research for anything at all, done at such an early point in the game.
In theory flak spam may sound good, but by the time you achieve this, you are already crushed. Flak takes an extremely long time to be built, cost crystal and more credits, needs lvl2 research, and better players will just focus some LF's on them to get rid of earlier, and there goes your weaker fleet.
Competitive multiplayer is not the only form in which this game is played, although it's interesting to see how quickly the Anti-Flak Lobby is willing to assume that it is, if it can further the Anti-Flak agenda. Anyways, I already mentioned in previous discussion that Flak spam may not be effective in MP since the meta is to rush with mass LFs anyways, foregoing research, econ, or much of anything else. This doesn't mean that Flak doesn't have a role in other environments, MP games that go past early-game LF balls, SP in general, etc.