Why not just mod the game and give the AI 0 unrest at higher difficulty levels?
Nah from what i read on the forums.. AI's priority on unrest building is currently set to very low.
All they need to do is change that apparently to like something like medium or high.
Well if you was to ask me, I would say I rate unrest reduction buildings very high because it' what allows me to have more resources and cities..
and, depending on the difficulty level, I believe the AI cheats and thus does not require unrest buildings to be effective. This allows them to focus on the more competitive structures...and units.
Fixed the post for u
Hooboy this is annoying if this is true.
That basically saves the AI about 20 turns at minimum per city lol
Cheating at unrest isn't that good of a idea.
I was among the pissed off people at CIv5 who kept at staring at AIs in Civ5 Vanilla and Gods n Kings running enormous empires on biggest map with metropolises everywhere. So I started counting their population and found out that they ran off Chieftain happiness bonuses.
I entered XML and set population unhappiness per population from 1 to 0. With that factor removed, my Gods n Kings copy of Civ5 became awesome Empires vs Empires. Yeah that resulted in permanent golden ages for AI civs and semi permanent golden ages for me. It accidentally resulted in Iroquois producing the best Naval Armada during modern era I have ever seen in my history of playing strategy turn based games. I was forced away from invading iroquois's mainlands across the ocean and happily accepted the ceasefire offer from iroquois after he chased me away.
Beautiful things happened.
That was the first and only time that I have ever seen AI produce an excellent armada even when I sank like 95% of it I had like about 3 to 1 kill ratio. But catch is that he had so many to the point where I got tired and gave up especially after one of my elite battleships with every promotion possible got sunk. Plus I didn't have enough ships to endure the air bombardment in my attempt to push onto their coastline.
Best part? Iroquois didn't rely on tech cheats. Difficulty was King. Every war between us on that map had equal level tech units. As the result the wars became very fun instead of seeing some stupid AI wave it's cheat wand and drop down troops several generations ahead of yours despite your best efforts in research phase pushes.
I'm sure we all know how well cheaters is treated on shooter game >.>
Then with brave new world, I'm not sure if AI has it's chieftain happiness cheats removed or not but the world seems to be going well now that human players can access enough happiness points to field similar empires as the AI in Vanilla/Gods n Kings without going into xml and changing that part of file.
Then we go back to FE:LH... the AI here is having trouble even with unrest cheats? I find it hard to believe. On expert mode, the AI can build Hosten's Library by turn 100-200. And that is a late game wonder in magic tech tree if i remember right. If human player had to rush for it, his civilization/military tech will suffer and leave themselves very vulnerable to raiding monsters.
I'm not even sure what i'm trying to say anymore at this point >.>
Civ series do have one definite advantage over FE:LH at this point and that is it simply had more development time put into it's engine. And FE:LH is very brand new so I believe that Devs hasn't tried out everything yet.