Of the three, I think you are most likely to see the domina for it's heal...I've seen it twice in recent memory, one time to support a titan and another time to prevent a marza with MB from being disabled...I think the only reason it even worked because the enemy probably didn't even think to kill the things...
I haven't seen the other two since rebellion came out...
For the domina, it probably could use a buff to HP...when you compare it to the hoshiko, it is really squishy and I think that is the biggest problem...while its disable ability isn't particularly useful at that stage of the game, the heal ability is really good and would be worth having if the ships weren't so easy to kill...I don't think cost is relevant to this ship considering how late it comes, and I don't think it would be wise to lower the lab requirement considering the power of guardians...
For the cielo, I think it only needs a slight tweak...damage reduction is a really good debuff, but it takes so long to setup since the cielo must face its target to use the ability...I think if you just removed that restriction, the ship would be a lot easier to use and would actually get to use its ability before being destroyed...
For the subverter, I think the issue is similar to that of the cielo -- you have to face the target before jumping with distortion field...if you didn't have to face the target, the ship would be so much easier to use and its lack of survivability wouldn't be as much of a problem...I would also consider buffing the range to its original value -- the debuff in late diplomacy was necessary at the time, but titans have really changed things and made frigate disablers not nearly as useful...I think it needs to be reverted to the larger range (I'm talking the range of the AoE, not the range of the initial cast) and that would make it an excellent ship for hunting carrier fleets (VR really needs this)...