TEC Loyalist, forcing beach head on Advent Loyalist stronghold. Cultural disadvantage to TEC. Further disadvantage due to map, max planetary loyalty is 15%, thus advent super weapon is far more devastating than either TEC or Vasari weapons.
Twin Fortress established at wormhole via immediate phase lane junction with 4x construction bays. Three junctions away is closest capital ship factory with additional 4x fortress construction bays (apparently they do indeed all stack for production).
Duration: 36 minutes
Fleet Losses:
Capital: 47
Titan: 2
Starbase: 9
Squads: 32
Strike: 413
Frigate: 584
Fleet Kills:
Capital: 19
Titan: 2
Starbase: 1
Squads: 16
Strike: 1642
Frig: 66
Mod: Distant Stars
Map: Ancient's Gifts
Advent AI Difficulty: Hard (I'm not as serious/1337 as some of you folks are).
Victory to TEC.
Can't do this with vanilla, that's for sure!