Been playing a lot of Beta 4. It's starting to get that nice addictive quality. I've definitely been choosing it over any other games I could be playing instead whenever I get the chance!
I know you guys are already going to put in some crafting material management, but can I also request a way to destroy items? It'd be even cooler if we got back some mana from it or some crafting components. I tend to have a lot of beginning crafted gear or items I get from quests that I just don't have a use for near the end of the game so they end up taking up space in the screen, making it harder to sort through things I've created.
Also, I can't seem to find a way to disband units. I tend to just suicide run unwanted units I get from quests into some wandering horde. I'd rather give them a good pension and retirement rather than feeding them to some hungry monster... And since we're on the topic of units, I've noticed that each individual unit that's in a city gets displayed on the right-hand pane. Could they be grouped into a single stack like any other army, or perhaps make them not show up at all? Gets pretty bad when you have a lot of individual administrators, as they all show up individually.
Thanks for the great game! Looking forward to Beta 5!