There are a LOT of technologies in this game. I've never been able to get through more than half of them in one game. Although, others like to play really long games, so I suppose it's possible to get them all. With so many techs, I have to make choices anyway.
+1 for having specializations. +1 for meaningful choices (they make for good games)
+1 for being able to trade specializations. Might not be 100% real-world, but it's a fun mechanic.
+1 for the developer being allowed to make the game the way they like it in the end, after getting feedback from everyone
+1 for a racial trait that allows researching multiple specializations. (choosing this trait is also a meaningful choice)
+1 for the chance later on in the tech tree to research a different specialization. Consider how you currently have the choice in real life between buying a good product or a cheap product, but not both (generally). However, in 10 years, you can get products that are cheaper and better than the ones you get now. It's a long-term thing.
+1 for being able to mod the game so you can play with no specializations or strict specializations, but I like the game the way it is now (meaningful choice and also being able to trade for multiple specializations)
Choosing one path in one game means I get to choose another path in the next game, which means my games turn out differently and I can play lots of different games for a long time.
The only way everyone can have exactly the game they want is to have infinite modding. Hopefully we'll see those most passionate about it making some mods to keep people happy.
+1 for being happy