So, I've read through the game manual and I don't see this explained anywhere there. Given that you have a fleet of several ships. If you hover the mouse cursor over the fleet icon, it pops up an info panel. Sometimes that panel will show number of ships in fleet, moves remaining/total moves available, and sensor range. Or it will show Logistics cost/ total Logistics points available. For some reason that I don't understand, the cursor will arbitrarily show one panel, but not the other. I have yet to figure out how to deliberately switch from one to the other. This can get very annoying when there are multiple ships, one or more of which has a slower movement rate and is slowing the entire fleet down, or if a ship has lost a lot of hit points and should be dropped out to go somewhere to recuperate. Which ship is it? The ONLY way I have been able to ascertain which ship it is is by Ejecting ships, one at a time so I can view them individually. Looking at Details just shows you each ship's maximum specs; not its current status. Tedious and annoying.
So, how do you toggle between the two fleet info popups?