This post is to offer some feedback on the current balance for research and quanta. I know balance at this stage is a low priority, but the following suggestions should be pretty easy to look at right now since it's just tweaking numbers.
1. Logistics. Even if you start building a quantum complex as early as possible, you can easily reach the initial 100 unit cap before you get the 100 quanta to research logistics. This also forces you to spend your first 100 quanta on logistics, which means it's not really a choice.
2. Metal storage. I never get this because you can wipe away (or regain) 100 metal in seconds, whereas it takes a minute to get the quanta to research this. I recommend the first boost to metal storage be at least 250, scaling up from there.
3. Reactives storage. I think 100 in the initial boost is probably okay as is as long as #2 above is implemented.
4. I think the combat and radar upgrades are pretty good as is. I might ask the radar upgrade be strengthened just a bit, maybe 25%, to make it more enticing.
General: Give us some quanta at the start of the game so we can research something in the first few minutes. At the current initial research costs, if you give us 150 at the start that will allow us to research one thing, and get half way to another thing. That allows folks some choice at the start of the game, allowing them to delay logistics first in favor of combat upgrades for an aggressive strategy, or Econ upgrades for more of a boom strategy. Sometimes I delay building quantum complexes a couple minutes through forgetfulness or intentionally, so being able to get one level of logistics using starting quanta will ensure I don't get way behind in the early game. Hitting the logistics cap with no quantum complexes built is cause for surrender because you'd need to build one then wait to get 100 quanta.
Speaking of 100 quanta, it takes a long time to get that early game. Since we are going to be sharing that quanta with global abilities, how about starting the initial research cost at 50. Then you can start us off with a nice round 100 free quanta and we can choose to use our early quanta for research or global abilities (GAs), depending upon our early game strategy. Example: 2 early game research or 1 research and 1 GA or 2 GAs. Starting research at 50 also makes it quicker to research our second choice after a few minutes to adapt our strategy to the circumstances.