The program eating away tons and tons of RAM so as to make the whole PC unsresponsive for minutes.
How much memory does your computer have? Insane maps with 100 players will eat 12-13 GB memory. This is a 64 bit game which opens up the amount of memory it can use and it does.
The program eating resources even when it has been exited (but the process is still in the task list and eating RAM almost half an hour later).
This is a bug that was fixed since about 1.3, however, has crept back in as of 1.61. I suggest instead of being part of the problem you think of ways to be part of the solution, create a support ticket with ways that you have seen this happen, such as what game settings/how long playing and how exited the game. This will help them reproduce the issue so when you exit the game the game actually ends.
And after ten months of it being out and several patches (we are at version 1.6something, after all), you guys still couldn't fix it. So you never will.
Here you do have a great point. After 10 months I too wish several of the more severe bugs would have been squished. However, just like everything else some things take time, although I believe 10 months is more than enough myself. I do though still believe they will get squished and continue to do my part to report everything I'm seeing in attempt to help them locate and destroy them.
Get yourself better programmers or educate those you have for a few years.
Remember, just like any company it's not always an issue with one certain person or group. Asking them that they find a solution to be able to fix the issues at hand instead of calling them incompetent just tunes them out and no reason to listen to you anymore. Try talking to them while expressing concerns versus trash talking them. After all when communicating to any company your frustrations talking calmly but, still expressing your points always gets further than yelling, screaming, swearing, kicking and screaming, that they just do the minimum to get you out of their face and move on with their daily business.