Eclipse Plugin project for Sins of a Solar Empire Modding. This plugin supports single project or multi-project mod files performing full validation for syntax, keywords, valid values...
Tools Supported:
Entity Editor
Eclipse Editor builder/nature extension that provides visual feedback to the following validations.
Entity Definition View - Displays the syntax rules for the currently opened entity file.
Syntax Wiki
Summary of validations currently supported:
Boolean: Validates boolean entries contain TRUE or FALSE only
Brush: Validates a referenced brush entry exists for the value entered
Conditional Validation: Allows conditional structures to follow based on a field value
Key word: Validates all entity file key words are spelled correctly
Quotes: Validates any values requiring qoutes have beginning and ending quotation marks
Integer: Validates integer entries contain digits
Decimal: Validates decimal entries contain ####.#####
Entity References: Validates a referenced entity file exists for the value entered
String Reference: Validates a referenced String entry exists for the value entered
Sound Reference: Validates a referenced Sound entry exists for the value entered
Enumeration Validation: Validates an entry confirms to an allowed set of values (i.e. buffInstantActionType)
Iteration Validation: Validates repeating elements are correct
Structure Validation: Validates entries appear in the correct order in the entity file (configurable to allow unordered structures)
Explosion Validation: Validates a referenced explosion entry exists for the value entered
Texture Validation: Validates a referenced texture exists for the value entered
Particle Validation: Validates a referenced effect exists for the value entered
Sounddata Validation: Validates sounddata files for correctness including referenced sound files
GalaxyScenarioDef Validation: Validates galaxyScenarioDef files for correctness with 2 pass validations
StringInfo Validation: Validates English.str for correctness
Brushes Validation: Validates brushes files for correctness
Gameplay.constants: Validates the Gameplay.constant file for correctness
Explosiondata Validation: Validates sounddata files for correctness including referenced sound files
Galaxy Validation: Validates galaxy files for correctness and performs additional validations on referenced templates and design names.
Particle Validation: Validates particle files for correctness and performs additional validations on referenced templates and design names.
Content Assistance: [ctrl]+[space bar] on keywords or constants and get suggested completions
Syntax Coloring: change syntax coloring of entity files to suit your preferences (defaults to all black currently)
Hover Help: hover over a keyword and get additional details about the value or structure
Quick link to wiki syntax
It also occurs to me I've never shown how to validate Mini-mods to your main mod.
It's actually pretty simple.
- Your main mod is already setup (if your not using this plugin I have no sympathy for you)
- Setup you mini-mod with Sins Validation
- Right click on the project properties and choose Project References
- Select the main mod or even mods that your mini-mod depends on