OK, I've been on vacation away from a computer for 8 months now. Whee!
Now, I'm back, and of course GC3 is completely different than when I left it in Dec 2016. I'm just restarting my learning curve of figuring out all the stuff, and that includes the completely different way the empire management has been redone.
I'll use this thread for some help on different issues, if you please.
I'm a founder, so I'm playing Crusade, of course, with all the DLC.
My first big thing is this: if a world doesn't sponsor a shipyard, can I use that production somewhere else? I figured out that shipyards themselves can work on "Missions" after some research, so I don't always have to be building actual spacecraft. But, is there any way to just re-purpose that Spaceship construction production to local planetary (i.e. social) production? Or do I just have to make sure that every planet sponsors some Shipyard, and deal with the loss of production that distant shipyards impose (or do I scatter shipyards like confetti - essentially have something like 80% of all worlds with a shipyard next to them)?
Also, for now, I'm playing as Terran, since it's simplest.
Hopefully, not too many questions to follow - I'm around turn 200 now in a game on a massive map, so I'm just using it for exploration of the game until I really learn the new playstyle....