When: 1500 BST / 1600 CEST / 1000 EST on the 27th of October.
Lobby Name: Discord Event
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ZV6rFEA
Calling all Sins players! We have scheduled an upcoming community event next week to be hosted on the recently upgraded official Sins of a Solar Empire Discord server. Personally, I am not too familiar with the current state of the vanilla playerbase, so this is in part an experiment to see how many people are interested and can make it for this day and timeslot.
The theme of the event is simple, a classic and hopefully fast paced comp stomp. Player team(s) versus AI bots of a suitable challenge. All you need is Sins of a Solar Empire installed, and ideally get on voice comms on Discord. If you do not have all of the DLC do not worry as I will be the one hosting.
Pick any faction and use any playstyle you like. The goal here is to have fun and as such we are also welcoming all green players as well.
Be prepared to stick around for 3-4 hours from the start of the event. Once we are formed up the game will be played until it reaches an organic conclusion. Although we will account for small breaks if necessary.
And even if you are unable to make it for the start, you can still come hang out on voice chat and maybe start other games with other players on the discord server.
See you guys there o/