As others have mentioned on the forum, the first campaign Imminent Crisis has eroded away, from launch to an expansion and then major changes all the way through 2.6.
I was fortunate enough to play through the campaign during launch week of original Ashes. I still have a fondness for the chat-box style text delivery for story as it was at launch. With this in mind, I've played through the campaign as it stands as of 2.6. Indeed, there are problems with how it lives now. I kept notes as I went along and have recommendations for how I propose to restore it.
Now, to the details! Spoilers, obviously, if you haven't played through it.
Kepler (Mission 1)
Remove the dreadnoughts from the camera pan of units fighting, otherwise OK.
At launch, I remember that this took several waves to clear, as suggested by the story text. Way too easy on Normal - it can be cleared in one simple wave. I recommend fixing this by adding a larger defense force (unit count).
Brainwhale! This was a favorite back at launch, and remains so today. It has generally held up quite well. It is still a decent challenge to stop the Brainwhale with the units and economy available to you. It is made slightly harder today because Engineers can no longer heal units though, and you do not get medics yet.
- Edit tooltip text of Engineer so that it no longer says it heals units
- Allow Medics to be built [FIXED]
Ahh.... this mission needs some changes to bring it back in line.
Suddenly orbitals! Lots of them. Suddenly units! Three new unit construction facilities, three new defense towers (plus 5 different upgrades), dreadnoughts, air, advanced air, four new tech buildings.
I played it through only using the units I'm suggesting be available, and it went pretty fast. It was much easier than it should be for Normal. Actually, way too easy...
I restarted the mission, set the speed to Fastest. I then got up, left the room to do dishes and feed the kids. I came back to a victory screen! Fascinating! The mission wins itself. I ran this trial again and watched: Mac defeated Splinter at 18 minutes, Artix at 32 minutes, and Ventrix at 36 minutes. Ran the trial for a third time, after Mac defeated Splinter a lone rogue dreadnought found it's way to my nexus and killed me - he was still on his way to winning even after this fluke.
- Remove Orbital Nullifier (enemy gets to keep theirs)
- Remove Energy Projector
- Remove Intensive Care orbital
- Remove Rush Build orbital
- Remove Adv. Sky Factory and units: Air Maurader, Strat Bomber. (all sides)
- Remove all turret upgrades: Falcon, Air Elim, Barrager, Artillery, Oblivion. (all sides)
- Remove Dread Launch and all three Dreadnoughts (all sides)
- Add Repair Bay (don't split tech building features)
- Move voiceover/text for repair bay from Calethaon to this mission.
- Add Plasma Storm (don't split tech building features)
- Move the 'Amplifiers' and 'Amplify the amplifers' voiceover/text from Silgul to this mission
- Remove Nano Mesh orbital
- Remove Orbital Jam orbital
- Remove tech otherwise not allowed for you from all sides (Mac), like Orbital command, refinery, drone bays, orbital fabricator....
- Change "Build an armory" goal to "Build a sky factory"
- Add optional goal "Upgrade unit health with quanta"
- Move voiceover/text "you can also upgrade units with quanta" from Noctus to this mission
- Add optional goal "Build 20 quantum relays"
- Then re-test to see if Mac still peanut butters in blue all over the map on his own, and tweak him downwards appropriately.
This is a great introduction to upgraded turrets and base defenses. This was a great "king of the hill" map with Turinium at launch. There's a few problems with it today, and I have a feeling it's due to the turret balances that happened over the years. Turrets also seem to be more expensive now compared to the intake...
This mission is also too easy at the start. If you literally do nothing but watch, you will survive until the "final wave" of Substrate units comes at you.
- Remove Dread Launch and all three Dreadnoughts (allow Substrate waves to keep theirs)
- Remove Orbital Fabricator
- Remove Orbital Fabricator building spawn at start of mission
- Remove Call Sapper orbital
- Remove Orbital Nullifier
- Change goal "Build a repair bay" and "Build a drone bay" to "Upgrade 5 turrets"
- Remove Nano Mesh orbital
- Remove Orbital Jam orbital
- Add Plasma Storm orbital
- Add EMP Pulse orbital
- Remove Sapper spawns
- Add Falcon Anti-Air upgrade option from the start, instead of "beginning to build air" voiceover/text. All other turret upgrade options are already available, including Air Eliminator. [FIXED]
- Change Energy Projector so that it cannot be built until the voiceover/text for drone bay shows up. At this time, also add Charon, Intensive Care orbital, and EMP Pulse orbital.
- Add 6 more metal deposits and 5 more radioactive deposits inside the hill you're defending. The general take of this is that you have more than enough money, but you're hurrying to get as many turrets up as you can on the bluffs before the big waves come in.
- Add more, and bigger, waves of splinters to buffet themselves against the turrets you've built up.
A delightful blitz. Harder than it should be on Normal.
- Remove Advanced Sky Factory and units: Marauder, Strat Bomber (all sides)
- Remove Dread Launch and all three Dreadnoughts (all sides)
- Add Refinery
- Remove Orbital Fabricator
- Remove Incursion orbital
- Remove Sentry orbital
- Remove Nano-Mesh
- Slow down the enemy's early capping of Turinium generators.
- Remove all other tech the enemy has but you don't.
- Add barrager turret upgrade (all other upgrades are available) [FIXED]
- Add mobile nullifier
Heavily scripted and unusual map, but still generally functional. Couple issues.
Sappers can't build advanced defenses (bug?). [FIXED] You can also see plenty of buildings through the fog of war in an interesting way:
The camera shifts that are scripted for when the Hades spawn looks broken. Also, the Air Elim upgrade doesn't require a factory but the Falcon AA does?
- Remove Dread Launch and all three Dreadnoughts (all sides)
- Remove camera shift script for when the Hades spawn
- Don't allow 'Call Sapper' until 'Engineer Drop' is allowed
- Add mobile nullifier
- Add Plasma Storm orbital
- Add EMP Pulse orbital
- Put an orbital jammer and one AA blossom tower at the bottom-left resource node, otherwise you'll go here instead of where the mission suggests.
- Add Charon
- Remove Nano Mesh
- Add Refinery
Titled "Dreadnaughts". OK! This is a great mission.
- Remove Advanced Sky Factory and units: Marauder, Strat Bomber (all sides)
Generally serviceable as-is.
- Add goal "Build advanced sky factory"
- Add Repair Bay
- Remove scripted camera steals during opponent self-announcements
- Remove Orbital Strike from enemy
Slightly harder than it should be on Normal due to starting timing. Delay a little bit longer.
- Delay the festivities a little bit longer on Normal [FIXED]
- Snip "build a sky factory" from voiceover/text
- Remove goal "build a sky factory"
- Remove Orbital Command
- Remove Orbital Strike
During the mission, the voiceover/text indicates that all allies get resources from an ally-claimed node, when in practice it doesn't appear to work that way. Otherwise, this mission is still functional. Slightly easier than it should be on Normal.
- Add goal "Build orbital command"
- Add goal "Use Orbital Strike"
- Add Barrager turret upgrade [FIXED]
- Make enemy's pre-existing entrenchments more entrenched.
Endgame. Epic mission. I remember losing this one over and over, trying different strategies until I got it. Today, it's a bit easier on Normal than it should be.
- Make Athena more resistant against rushes
- Tune Valen/Haalee up. Mac needs to lose against Valen/Haalee unless you help him. There needs to be the real possibility that if you don't help him, he will be overrun and that hardpoint he points out to you will actually be important. This doesn't seem to happen today. Additionally, neither Athena nor Haalee made an air attempt at my nexus during my 2.6 playthrough. I certainly had to guard against air attacks when I originally played through it.
[EDIT: 2.65 added fixes for things. Yay!]