Can't see the forest for the trees: this expression means that if you look at things one at a time, you might not realize that a branch of separate "trees" go together to make a "forest. If we focus on this subject alone, that is precisely what we are doing.
What is currently happening is a LOT more scarier than that, and if people don't wake up in time to see the big picture we are in for some very troublesome times. Remember that 'rich vs. poor' or 'bourgeoisie vs. proletariat' ideology that has been tried in several countries by different people in the last 100 years, has failed EVERY SINGLE TIME and is alone responsible for the death of over 60 million people worldwide, killed by their own governments (11 million in the ex-USSR and 45 million in China alone)?
Very well, now replace 'rich vs. poor' with 'victim vs. oppressor' and you will understand *exactly* what is going on in several areas of our western society.
In the old USSR, a single complaint - even if false, e.g.; motivated by, oh, one of the 12 people living in the same crowded state conceded apartment as you wanting more room for themselves - to the KGB would be enough to get you and your family deported to the Gulag in the middle of the night, no matter how loyal to the party you actually were. No proof needed.
Rings a bell?
I suggest you guys go to Youtube, search for Jordan B. Peterson and watch as many videos of him as you can. He's a Canadian university teacher and psychology professor, one of the most reasonable and intelligent human beings I ever had the privilege of listening to. He talks about this and many other related things. He had the courage to, alone, put his job - and his life - on the line to try and stop the Canadian Bill C-16 from being passed on the Canadian Senate. This is a law that will FORCE you, under penalty of prison, to address transgender women and men by the pronoun/gender identity of THEIR choice, even if you don't agree with that. And it gets worse, because that pronoun can be anything they just made up like zie, zim, zir, zis, zieself, tey, ter, tem, terself, etc... No, I am not kidding.
To understand how utterly insane it is that something like this can actually pass into a law, and how unthinkable it would be just a handful of years ago, imagine me, being white, claiming never-the-less that I'm black and sending YOU to prison if you refuse to acknowledge my claim and address me as such.
How did things get to be this insane? Remember:The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke