3.7+ playing Milky Way. Gifted AIs.
The Iririum Corp has been fighting Altarians for years. Minor gains on both sides, but roughly a standoff. I finally got pulled into the war allied with Irid, and ran a fleet over to wipe out the space defenses of the Altarian border worlds so Irid could invade. Plopped a sensor ship there to watch.
Over the next 15 turns Iridian transport fleets drove around, poked here and there, passed within two hexes, yet never invaded the undefended worlds of their enemy. (Not a Influence thing; the worlds were in Irid ZOI.)
Likewise the Thalan fleets in another area. Thal ships jumped an Alt world, stripped off the space defenses, then left. Just left. A transport was present, but no attempt to invade. The world(s) were in my ZOI, but right on the fringe. Later Yor transports drive by headed for ghad knows where. I swear I could hear the bots whistling tunelessly.
What the h e double hockey sticks is going on? This is the kind of performance I would expect of a Moron AI setting. No dang wonder they don't pose a real challenge to live players.