Even taking an old mesh and simply resaving it causes the same problem
Hi. Did you set up the texture references inside SoftImage, or manually? Because if you haven't, you'll overwrite the mesh with empty references. Check the .mesh and see if the material section looks anything like this:
NumMaterials 1
DiffuseTextureFileName "FrigateVorlonEnvoy-cl.DDS"
SelfIlluminationTextureFileName "FrigateVorlonEnvoy-da.DDS"
NormalTextureFileName "FrigateVorlonEnvoy-nm.DDS"
DisplacementTextureFileName ""
TeamColorTextureFileName ""
Diffuse ffffffff
Ambient ffffffff
Specular ffffffff
Emissive ffffffff
Glossiness 50.000000
Here's what I currently have for a sample of a model that displays in-game but improperly (I've tried it and others with a variety of textures as well):
hasValidTangents TRUE
BoundingRadius 13111.20455
MaxBoundingExtents [ 12961.88505 8044.41225 9500.6874 ]
MinBoundingExtents [ -12961.8881 -8019.95085 -5711.4971 ]
NumMaterials 2
DiffuseTextureFileName "CapitalTechCarrier-cl.dds"
SelfIlluminationTextureFileName "CapitalTechCarrier-da.dds"
NormalTextureFileName "CapitalTechCarrier-nm.dds"
DisplacementTextureFileName ""
TeamColorTextureFileName ""
Diffuse ffffffff
Ambient ffffffff
Specular ffffffff
Emissive ffffffff
Glossiness 8.000000
DiffuseTextureFileName "CapitalTechBattleship-cl.dds"
SelfIlluminationTextureFileName "CapitalTechBattleship-da.dds"
NormalTextureFileName "CapitalTechBattleship-nm.dds"
DisplacementTextureFileName ""
TeamColorTextureFileName ""
Diffuse ffffffff
Ambient ffffffff
Specular ffffffff
Emissive ffffffff
Glossiness 8.000000
NumPoints 0
NumVertices 13850
etc. etc.
Here's the look from in-game (ignore the giants size and all--just looking at the meshes for now:

d vertices, etc., of course.