I've been playing stardock games since 2004, Gal civ 4 is so broken as its super easy to cripple the AI early on with race bonus and commander ships. Mv is still so OP and the AI doesn't priorities it in any way, sure ill take a HP loss for extra movement.
Lots of work to be done Stardock as i've found it just too easy to use the OP stats you give each race and commander ships to get a huge lead within 25 turns. The enemy AI is just so weak worst than any other gal civ game.
When you add so many new abilities into the game unless the AI knows for eg to put a commander in with good resolve into a command ship for eg the games over already. They research useless techs all the time even the War types. don't focus the best anomalies or them much at all there bonus's are so OP 300 credits vs the ai earning 5 per turn ignoring anomalies etc
Ive played about 10 games even on high difficulty no challenge at all as its just Focus on MV, commander ships and there resolved bonuses, cripple a AI race early on till you get transports then its just a slow slog to take over everything.
The main issue with Gal CIv 4 is Bonus's and special abilities as the AI wont use them properly and it doesn't matter if they have 20 standard ships as you just use your OP one to take em out and there OP one is so useless its easy to setup a attack to take it out using your own OP ship because you have the HP and MV.
I suggest removing commander ships fighting ability as no AI algorithms can ever beat a human player, keep combat more even with small bonuses via the tech tree. Not war commander ships that are INSANELY OP, 64 hp 18 attack defences vs any ship any player can produce until medium hulls just wrecks the game at first turn!!