Some feedback:
-On the planet screen, I would like the population counter to have tooltips. Show what factors set the population cap to where it is.
-Population should show how much growth is needed to grow the population to the next level.
-Why does more population slow growth? Shouldn't more population increase growth rate?
-Why is the cap to morale 96%? I would like to get the whole 100% morale.
-Tool tips for morale is not good. Its hard to tell how many entertainment districts would be needed to max out morale. I might get 3% morale with an entertainment district, but instead get a 1% improvement to morale. What is the base morale?
-When selecting ships, I want shift to select all ships between the 2 selected, and for ctrl to select ships one at a time. Currently shift acts like ctrl.
-Shift + Tool tips don't work in the tech navigator. Its hard to get fine details while looking at the big picture.
-Maybe change the button to explore tooltips should be alt (I want shift to do something else).
-I want to be able to zoom out when using the tech navigator. Probably a GalCiv 2 habit. It made moving around the tech tree easier.
-It seems that the tech navigator has 4 separate tech trees, but you can only explore them if you have a tech from that tree in your hand. I want to be able to explore all the tech trees, even if you don't have a required tech card in hand (such as when you focus your tech tree).
-I want to be able to destroy colony upgrades. The AI seems to like spamming orbital shields, which I think is a waste.
-I want to be able to use automate to not only change what ships are being built, but also make it repeat build. At this time, you can only add ships to the build queue. If you want repeat build, you need to go to each shipyard and make the change.
-I want to be able to use automate to add missions and goods to the build queue.
-I want rally points to be able to make multiple fleets. Currently everything breaks once you have 1 full fleet (all other ships don't join fleets).
-I want to be able to assign orders to fleets at rally points such as sentry (so I could build up fleets).
-I want rally points create fleets of certain size and composition. For instance, it might make a fleet that uses 4 medium combat ships and 1 survey ship.