If you look at the Subspace Gate that is just to the right of the planet named "Phact III" you will see a situation that I do not believe works as intended. Sitting on the gate are 27 fleets and individual ships belonging to the Torians, Onyx Hive, and Terran Alliance. Surrounding the gate are 3 of my fleets blocking the enemy ships from exiting the gate.
Here are the issues that you should be able to see by playing a turn or 2:
- How are all of these ships/fleets from different civilizations able to occupy the same cell/gate?
- I have never seen these ships/fleets attack my blocking fleets (I am at war with all 3 of them). Why not?
- If I want to attack them, I cannot select the ship or fleet that I want to attack. The game somehow selects who I will attack. Why?
- If the ships/fleets on the gate were from civilizations where I am at war with 1 or more and not at war with 1 or more, I cannot attack without declaring war on the civilization with which I am not at war. Why?
- I can attack the enemy ship/fleet of my choice with a missile attack by clicking on the stack of enemy ships/fleets until the one I want to attack is on top. Then I can perform a missile attack on the stack and it will hit the ship/fleet that was on top.
I think your devs need to think through how they want ships/fleets to behave entering and exiting Subspace Gates. I do not believe the current behavior makes sense.
For example:
- should a ship be able to enter at one end if it cannot exit the other end?
- if a ship/fleet is blocked from exiting by a ship/fleet with which it is at war, should it attack that ship/fleet?
- should the gate be placed so close to the edge such that it can be blocked by only 3 ships/fleets or should the gate be moved farther in so that it takes 6 ships/fleets to block ships from other civilizations from exiting?
- should a ship from one civilization be able to enter at one end if there is a ship from another civilization sitting on the gate at the other end?
- do you need some type of traffic signal that would indicate when you could enter and when it is blocked?
There are still many other issues in 1.10_RC that need to be addressed, but I think this is enough for now.