Sins of a Solar Empire Definitive Edition is now updated on GOG with the missing DLC Minor Factions (yay)... but... it is sold 89,99€ and can only be sold as a whole. So it seems that to get the small DLC that was missing, I have to buy everything again...

I already own the definitive edition on GOG as it is part of my library. I have everything except that missing DLC "Minor Factions".

If I had to buy it on Steam, I could get it for an "acceptable" full price at 7,19€.

I do not plan to re-purchase a bundle where I already have most of the content. How can I complete my game on GOG for a fair price (fair price meaning with a full price equivalent to the one on Steam for the missing bits only).
Considering the 3+ years delay to deliver it to the GOG users, wouldn't it have been more fair to simply promote those who supported the game from the beginning for free and offer them that DLC ?
Thank you.