So your saying recoverit might work? I'll download it if there's a chance. I know the files can be read to some degree cause I was able to see them in Puppy linux as read only, I just couldn't copy paste them.
No, I'm saying Recoverit does work. It has recovered files from 2 drives for me so far in the past few months. 1 was a 2TB SSD I buggered up somehow...and even as a non-boot drive it was messing up my system causing File manager lockups...but attached via external USB I got the data off...then did a full format...saving the drive.
The other one was just last week...sister in law's sole drive....couldn't boot as MoBo was also fried... but got data off and reformatted OK.
200% success rate so far, but as I must be at least 'seen' by the OS but even if it says 'unformatted' or 'RAW' the data can be copied off it ....and after that you can bin it...or reformat...