Well we had the beta pretty much put together, and it would have gone up tonight even without the ships that Alex had to fix, but the servers weren't cooperating. So rather than having everyone needed in the process work late, we decided that we'd put the beta out tomorrow.
Today I spent my time play testing the scenarios that Brad made for this beta. It was a lot of fun. I don't get a chance to really play Gal Civ a whole lot. Most of the time, I'm just testing. I had to fix a couple of things, and one thing that I didn't have time to fix was the victory condition buttons on the Player Setup Screen. When a scenario is loaded, they're supposed to display the conditions for that scenario, greyed out. Well, the buttons are greyed out, but they show the conditions that were set from the prefs.ini file. Not all of the strings for the new race are in yet either.
So hopefully Alex can get the ships done tomorrow, and maybe I'll spend some time writing the strings. Brad can always redo them later.