The new evolution in resource gathering, the Salvager is specificaly designed to tear down enemy or friendly vessels and decompose them into a nice pool of metal and crystal! Created in 2538 of the Gorgon Era by the now massacred Gerrellion civilisation, this design, which was discovered during the Nephil's Prime Exodus, revolutionised the Nephil's ability to self-sustain themselves!
No longer did they have only the Probes in order to gather credits...With this fine piece of equipement, which was reworked and refined to 200% capacity (based on Gerrellion civilastion data logs), the Nephil now had an extra income of RESOURCES!!! Dramatically decreasing their need to bow to the hasards of the marketplace.
currently primarily used to salvage space derelicts for remains, it has just recently been outfitted with a war uniform...its salvaging abilities have been doubled allowing hence forth the possibily to salvage actually operating vessels, weither they be friendly or enemy.
Welcome ladies and gentleman to the art of support ships! True bastards here to add more strategy and bonuses to the game!! Prepare to relearn the concept of war!! Experience battles...Justin style
*Edit :Well I dont know why the hell I wrote this....but oh well whats done is done