The more i see post like this the more i think the people posting these types of issues pirated the game, and are trying to trick SD into giving him/her a valid CD Key. Not saying the OP did, but i see a pattern here with the "few" with problems like this.
As was said there are hundreds of thousands of Satisfied Customers with Sins. I am one of them. Sins never gave me any trouble at all except for a few sync errors which SD is fixing. Impulse never gave me a bit of trouble updating the game, and i use it for GC2 as well. There arent many games out there that look this good on low end hardware ether. Sins isnt perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than some of the bigger name stuff out there.
I played Eve-Online for 3 years before it went all "alliance warfare" on us. Eve is not all that, and a bag of chips. 15 bucks a month so you are forced to join ether Goonfleet, or BoB, and have OTHERS tell you what to do, because you get absolutely NOWHERE in Eve if you dont. Or play solo, and get ganked every 5 minutes by packs of griefers. Solo piracy gets boring after a while. Even in dreads. Eve became a yawner after Acendant Frontier lost the BoB war, and i couldnt be a suicidal psycho in a caracal anymore.