Recently I've been getting some good multiplayer games in with my friends, but one of them has a very dodgy internet connection and it's made this more of an issue than normal: am I right in thinking that when you hit Save in a multiplayer game, it sends a signal to all players connected, and all players machines save the game? Then when you try to load it, when a player connects to the game it checks their HDD for the relevant save file, and if it finds it they can join in the correct slot? This works well, but our problem is that when my friend's connection dies we have to revert back to the last save made, which will generally be an autosave, and could have happened a long time back.
Ideal solution: the ability for the host to save the game in such a way that all clients don't need to save anything - they download their state from the host when they join. Then, if my friend starts to lag out, I can do a quick save, and if he does disconnect it's easy to get back to exactly where we were (since the game pauses when someone starts to lag). I guess if the game works P2P then the host won't actually know all the information, and this won't be possible, so alternative solution: add an option so we can customise the autosave regularity? I think it does it every 15 (or is it 20?) mins - being able to drop this down to 5 would help a lot. Or is there some way for the game to automatically make an emergency save when a player starts to lag out?