I am changing my diet to reduce the level of processed foods (avoiding anything with more than 5 ingredients and anything I can't pronounce or don't recognize), and eating as local as I can. Better weight and health should improve as a by-product
You're either going to be eating really simple things, or you're going to go hungry whenever you're not home.
Thankfully my goal is not to eliminate processed foods but to reduce significantly. It's gone well for the past month. I understand that store-bought bread is going to be an issue but one I can accept as a non-issue.

And eating out . . exceptions prove the rule, right?
I've been a vegetarian for 15 years but reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma" and "In Defense of Food" finally convinced me to act a bit more locally and *process* more of my own food myself. . with fresh ingredients. . in my own kitchen.
Good luck on the job hunt. If I were looking for work I'd think long and hard about what all those other folks are going to need to get work . . and do that. Now is a good time to consult I think.