1) Dunov is slower than carriers. It can get kited and you'll never be able to magnetize a carrier.
Yes, and this is why you need to be smart about fleet management and keeping your own SC close to your fleet. I usually target frigates/HCs with magnetize (or a cap if it's around).
4) The Kol itself is much more of a ship than the Dunov, not counting special abilities. The durability, better damage output, firing arcs and range, and superior planet bombing damage of the Kol really goes a long way. Especially in long fights where both players run out of anti-matter and its just guns+armor vs. guns+armor.
Well, yes, the Dunov sucks in terms of battleship awesomeness, but if you are a good TEC player, then you have your culture bonus and you don't have to worry about AM. Besdies, flux field + Missle Barrage = gg.
5) Flak Burst protects the right spot every time. YOUR FLEET. Its more reliable. Magnetize depends by a certain amount on enemy behavior. Sometimes they'll fall for it and get punished badly. Don't count on it though. Smart players will see a Dunov and micro their strikecraft appropriately.
A smart player will micro his SC with a Kol around too.
I go back to my original point, the Dunov has much better abilities than the Kol. Don't get me wrong, I love the Kol, and given my options I want both (actually, 2 Dunovs + Kol + Marza).