I have put together a test version and am posting it to FileFront, it is loading now, and if anyone wants to help me test it and let me know what they think... does it work ok? Is it a pain? Does it make playing interesting? Or new or different? Or a waste of time? Haha, then i would be happy to hear everyone's thoughts.
Right now, the Advent are the only ships with the "fuel" (speedboost) ability (I think the vasari use it too, but i didnt change it for them, just left it as it was).
What i did, was lower the "normal" speed to 0.100000, which when the ships come out of the factory is almost not moving at all. Which is what i wanted. Something approaching "completely out of fuel". The speedboost, much to my surprise and enjoyment, is an ability that affects all friendly ships in a given area, so i can put it on one ship and have it affect all the others, instead of having to load it on all the ships individually. I increased that area to 10,000 and set it at a cost of 100 AM and a cooldown of 900 seconds (15 minutes).
the time limit on the ability is also set at 900 seconds, so about the time it runs out, it should be ready to launch again. Just in case.
But i thought it would be interesting to play through and see where i was when the time ran out.
Also, bear in mind that the speedboost ability is in the advent colony frigate, so keep one handy, or your fleet will stop and although they will still have weapons, they will literally be sitting ducks! 
All the other races are normal, and you can of course play each side and see how it works out. Do the advent do ok when played with the "fuel" mod addition, but lousy when they are the ai? Or both? Or are they ok both ways? Anyway some feedback on what you think is important. As it may be fun for me to run ships around and run out of fuel, but not very cool if im the only one that likes it. 
Right now the file is loading, and i should have a link soon, so will sign off for now, and post back when the link is up, take care and happy modding!! Oh, i have decided to name this after Lord Tareq, for his suggestion.
And with his permission will include it in my StarFall mod.
So it is now formall "Lord Tareq's Fuel mini-mod" !!!! 
Thank you to Tareq and to everyone for all their cool suggestions and ideas. i knew there just had to be some way (Hoped)
to get it to work, i just didnt know how.
I was using the idea of two abilities, one to stop the ships, which i figured out, it was a variation on the magnetic cloud, using the diablelinearengines/disableangularengines boolmodifiers. And was trying to figure out how to get them started again, without much success, haha, and a lot of hair pulling!!! So im glad someone had a very straightforward idea with ONE ability. It saves a lot of headaches! 
Well... 14 minutes left to load, so i guess i will see everyone then, take care,