Today i have been getting a new problem, after about 5 mins into an online game i get a yellow message at the top of my screen saying disconected from Ironclad Online. There is no error message, nothing. it seems to replace the humans with ais. ive joined 4 games and 3 of them have done this.
Usually i start lagging (which i don't usually do) then i just disconnect.
this just started today. i have never seen anything like this before online.
This is the same problem I reported in reply #7. It seems to target certain people, certain days, with what appears to be no ryhme or reason. To my knowledge, nothing is wrong on your end. YOu can reboot your machine, internet, and it still seems to target you. Tomorrow, you'll probably be spared.
Anyway, what happens is that you are disconnected from ICO, period. That means if you try to talk, no one will be able to hear you (either in game or using the /wf or /f commands). I usually type "hello?" after getting the message and if I don't hear a reply in about 30 sec, I'll assume it was a real disconnect. WHen you quit the game, you get booted all the way back to the login screen for ICO.
EDIT: And yes, it is quite annoying. Especially when you got a good game going.