Ok, normally I lurk on this board but this made me extremely angry.
First of all, your saying to distribute digitially and ironclad is through stardock's impulse. Then you complain it's not through steam. Well, see, when two companies are in a publisher agreement they make rules such as don't work with the enemy. Impulse and Steam are two opposing digital distribution models and why would Stardock help a rival?
Secondly, Impulse is nowhere near as intrusive as Steam and is much less of a memory hog. Steam is one og the most annoying pieces of software EVAR. Not only does the thing need to be on while I'm playing, it also autoupdates my games and breaks all my mods even when i turn off autoupdate. I had to use Steam for Empire Total War and its nonsense lead me to just torrent a game I had legally bought because I could not play the game how i wanted.
Impulse is much better on the merit that if you don't want to, you don't even need it to atcually play the game, just pop in the cd, install and play. Unlike Steam where even with a cd, you need steam to register and download stuff.