I no longer trust EA in any way whatsoever. Its not yet clear what the angle on this one is ...... but there will be one besides DRM. Whether its tracking online useage, site visits, cutting down on code by using server based modules for the client .... whatever, I dont care, not buying it or any of their games.
If I pay for an SPG, then I expect to get an SPG - no dam marketing fudge and creeping "control the gamer" freaks. As far as I am concerned this latest EA idiocy only served to confirm my decision never to buy from EA again after the last DRM debacle. It seemed then they would not learn their lesson, this latest stupidity proves it.
It wouldnt be so bad if they just pretended to care about their gamers, but they cant even do that!
Its just continual "how can we maximise revenue" without any thought of value-for-money, or what the gamer wants to see.
Remember the Gamers EA? You know those strange folk you rarely talk to except through a Marketing Billboard or Bonus KPI, the ones you think are irrelevant and will always take the next version of sucker pap for the next bunch of games -
"hey no problem guys, they'll pay, they always do in the end"
Wrong, they have reached a tipping point, and people are real angry in a fundamental s***w you response to EA. When revenue projections nose-dive again, which they will, they'll rethink, but as always they will have lost a portion of their user base forever. They'll never learn ......