Great feedback so far guys, thanks for the input.
1. The fortification upgrade makes sense now as a time or delay option. If I feel I am gonna lose a system, I do sometimes sell up to recoup the cash, however I see the point in leaving it there to delay the enemy. The upgrade is the same principle, so cool. 
"The Holy Trinity" = Coloniser, Carrier, Bombard Cap ships
(Radiance - Ok, so this thing kicks ass, Ive used it against AI with vengence from the Rapture cap and actually thought that along with the Prog was what the holy trinity was).
At what stage to you rebuild your cap factory to produce new caps? ie, when you have at least 40 illums and 10+ carriers + flak?(I sell mine after building the prog for the logistics slot and cash, is this wrong or simply depends on situation?)
Should I go Sova 2nd cap or Rapture, or is this just personal preference?
I always build the prog cap ship first as the colonise ability with its armor and firepower is awesome. Restore and Malice I love too, its uber usefull.
Rapture Cap ship - Lvl 6 lets you capture enemy ships, can this be used to steal enemy tech, ie capture a TEC SB frigate or do you just steal ship, no specials. It just seems like it could be cooler.....any really effective use for it?
Trade and Trade Ships
How long does it usually take for a trade port to earning money.
Do the trade ships need to go to the next system?
How effective is it too take out enemy trade ships?
Fleet Hotkeys
Is there a button to swap between frigates,caps,HC,etc and strike craft? There is a button underneath the planet icon that lets you do this, is there a hotkey?
Once you get a few hundred games under your belt, do you find yourself using Ctrl + 1, 2,3, etc for indivdual fleets, all at different places, or use this for one big fleet and simply micro other fleets?
Fleet Behaviour
How do people normally set up their fleets?
Should I create a fleet for the illums seperate to the cap fleet? When this happens, all illums nearby will join and adopt new fleet behaviours?
Sometimes groups of ships seem to be moving in a formation? Is this because of a specific setting, or fleet status?Ie I have seen illums form up in 2 abreast in a line and move up and around holding this formation.
I build 2-4 at the start, then auto-explore them, more when I can, 1 on cap ship for system scouting, and the others auto-explore.
Is there a way for them to hold a patrol route aside from lots of shift + clicks?
Mid and End Game Strategy -Of late, this is where I fall without help.My micro is getting better
Normally if I can survive the first 10-20 minutes, its all good, expand, fleet up, grow, grow...depending on team mates of course.
Any top ten tips for Mid Game Objectives - Advent Orientation
Having just passed 100 games, im familiar with the basics but have had a few games where I simply stagnate, Im not offensive enough and get taken out. I guess part of me is looking to understand what advents final stages are and what I should be reaching for. Vasari have the phase gate tech, which is great as is their Kostura Cannon thing, but what is the late game OMFG its coming at me advent player supposed to look like?
Ive found that several smaller target specific fleets can be much more usefull than one big fleet, and usually try to create two fleets from the word go, 1 for roids, etc, the other around the cap ship. Any advice for multi-fleet usage?
Massive Amount of questions, happy to hear any thoughts, and as always, keep gaming and having fun!