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Missile Barrage Version
Patch for Entrenchment 1.03.
Big thanks to the posters in The Thread for help and suggestions. More thanks to Dekhranic SoaSE Mod Tool GUI and Harpo's Manifest Maker.
Important things to note:
Akkan Colonize has been redone due to being badly bugged. To compensate, they get [only] a population growth bonus. (50%/100%/150%)
Animosity is set to a periodic buff now. It will reapply the buff every four seconds.
Guidance will still auto-cast on ships without active abilities, like carriers. There doesn't seem to be a proper constraint to fix this yet.
Scramble Bombers is still there, for now. It's had a antimatter cost (50/35/20) and cooldown reduction (50/40/30) instead.
Jarrasul Colonize delay removed, antimatter cost decreased (80/70/60), and build-rate buff increased. (30/50/80). The SpawnFrigate buff does not seem to work with Colonize.
Phase Missile Swarm has decreased damage (200/350/500) but only hits hull.