1) Is it just me, or are vasari capital ships kind of dumb/weak comparatively? And beyong that, them in general..I love the idea of teleporting around and being extremely offensive.. but their ships seem so weak for their cost, and their econ doesnt really shine in any way...? (other than, i guess, deleting my own ships for less resources?)
Two words: Jerrasul Evacuator. Arguably the best capital ship in the game, and it's Vasari. Skirantra carrier with repair cloud is a good mid-late game capital ship, too. That said, the Kortul class capital ship was greatly improved in the most recent patch update.
Beyond that, Vasari actually do have a pretty good economy. Their scouts can capture and hold neutral extractors much earlier and more effectively than the weak, slow, and expensive colony frigates of the other factions. The four lab trade port research isn't as much of a disadvantage as it may appear. Yes, you cannot go "fast trade" as Vasari, but once you start getting more experienced you'll find there are so many viable (and most often superior) alternatives to trade ports in the early game that this doesn't count for a lot.
As for the units being slightly weaker for cost, this is true. This is the downside of playing Vasari. They are not a brute force faction.
2) How exactly do refineries work.. I read something sayign they are good, but i built one.. and it gave me like .01/sec.. compared to like.. the.. gold a trade port can give you..
Refineries increase the efficiency of all extractors in the gravity well they are built and in gravity wells connected to the one where they are built. You have to wait a while because it takes a few minutes for them to become operational. You have to place them tactically in locations where they can affect lots of extractors to get much benefit from them, and typically they are not used until later in the game.
3) How exactly does bounty work? I mean, i get it that i can place a bounty on someones head, and pirates will attack them.. But theres a tech that gives +20% gold to bounty? So if i put down 500 on Player 2's head, its worth 600?
You got it. In practice, the pirates are only dangerous for the first two or three raids, after that players rarely find it worthwhile to place any bounty whatsoever (in fact, many players, including myself, want to be the target of the pirate raid at that point in the game because killing them will level up my capital ships!)
3b) For that matter, can i put a bounty on player 2, then earn the bounty back? or wat? im just really confused in this area..
No, you cannot earn your own bounty back, only the bounty placed by other players.
4) Is there a place to find replays for the newest entrenchment patch?
There was a recent update, and updates invalidate old replays. So there won't be that many replays for the current version of the game yet. I suspect people will start posting them shortly.
5) What do i use to use those asteroids that cant be colonized..? i ran into a gravity well or w/e that just had a metal asteroid, but, idk how to build on it to get its resources w/there being a colonized thing...
Colony frigates can capture the extractors individually. Vasari can capture them with scouts, and this is a massive advantage for them.
6) Are there any *should download* mods that completely enhance the game?(Ie for anyone that plays/played Europa universalis 3, the magna mundi mod greatly enhances the game in a lot of ways...ai improvements, balances, etc)
That is really a matter of preference. I'm sure others will show up and tell you about the mods they enjoy. I play the game clean, though occasionally I'll play mods with other people.
7) lastly.. I doubt someone will really do this.. but can someone put up an honest general Pros/Cons of each race..?
TEC: cheap/though units, good healing abilities, most technologies accessible with few labs. Not really overpowering in any way, though.
Advent: powerful units, incredible shields, wicked capital ships. Not much in the way of economic technology, though.
Vasari: shield-bypass technology, phase stabilization technology, mobile starbases, most military techs available VERY early on the tech tree. However, their units give the least "bang for your buck" of any faction.