So I've heard a LOT of complaining lately, either online or in the forums about how Scouts are just too OP against LRFs and need to be nerfed because they shouldn't counter LRFs the way they do.
What people seem to fail to see is that if you take Scouts out of the equation, the only other hard counter you will have against LRFs are Fighters.
There's 2 problems with this situation:
1. Getting mass fighters early is hard because Carrier caps are expensive (not to mention the research required) AND getting Carrier Cruisers is also expensive and requires research. Massing fighters early against Long-Range Frigates is a joke solution, and can only be done mid game at best.
2. Fighters are probably the easiest countered unit in the game. Flaks rip them to shreds in no time. Halcyon Carriers and other cap ships have abilities that take them apart with ease. Even other fighters do a decent job against them.
Fighters are just NOT a realistic solution to mass LRFs. I know on paper it sounds good to you guys but every unit needs at least 2 counters, and if you remove Scouts from the equation, LRFs would reign supreme early game.
I really don't see what all the fuss is about anyways. Do people think LRFs should be uncounterable just because they beat Light Frigates?
Honestly, I don't see the problem. If your enemy is massing Scouts to counter your LRFs, you can mass Scouts back or get fighters later on. Flak Frigates also do the trick (so I'm told). Another thing to consider is that Scouts absolutely SUCK at anything other than LRFs and other Scouts. They do horrible damage to cap ships, buildings, LFs, Cruisers, HCs, everything. If your opponent masses Scouts you should be happy, because they just spent a bunch of money on something that only counters one thing.
I think people are just getting on here and raging because they can't just instantly win the game with LRF spam.
Fighters are not a realistic solution against LRFs and light armor, especially because their targetting system ALWAYS focuses bombers first, which means half the time LRFs won't even get focused.
Now granted, Vasari's Scouts suck, but hell, that's nothing new for them, most of their units do. I honestly think we need to leave Scouts alone or else LRFs will rule the multiplayer battlefield with no way to be countered.