Today I bring you all another forum game yet to be seen on this site as a (metaphorical) appology cupcake.
I'll pizza your eat.
I'll Lazer your Avatar
I'll avatar your laser.
I'll notice your cheat...
ill cheat your notice
I'll see no evil
Hear no evil
Talk no evil
I'll negotiate your freedom
I'll freedom your negotiate.
ill takeover your empire
I'll empire your takeover.
I'll Three your Three.
I'll commander your Vasari.
I'll remove your deathgrip
ill deathgrip your neck
I'll send your bored self to work
ill continue my education before i work
I'll leave your time.
I'll pay for your time machine
I'll time machine your pay.
I'll blow your budget
I'll budget your blow.
I'll call OODS to read your mind.
(cause your so surprising )
I'll mind your call to OODS.
And it's because this game has gotten a bit boring.
I'll not be responsible for your Great Boring-ing.
I'll modify your silences
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