Quite frankly we don't have enough info to help you.
In others words, post not long enough.
Well...one thing i changed was the Advent battleship,i changed every detail and i wanted to see if i could make it bombard planets with the Vasari beam weapon bombardment,so i changed every thing to be the same as the vasri battleships beam bombardment weapon
I also changed the Advent race to only use the Advent Battleship(wich was a part of the tutorial with Forge Tools 3)
I changed the Advents fighters to have more fighters per squadron(bomber and combat) and changed there damage,i also changed the burst amount for the combat fighter with its lasers(i did the same for the battleship's lasers and plasmas)
I also changed the Advents beam defense to have increase power and shields with shield regen and i changed it range(i did the same for the battleship,changed hull,shields,attack power and range)
I left the rest of the stuff in the Game Info folder alone,oh i also didnt take them out of the Game Info folder,i left them in the folder and put them in the mod folder,i hope this helped for you to help me...