I have an idea that could help you Zombie. In your modding for dummies section, we could add a segment entitled, "How to make a mod that is not as boring as shit."
That's an excellent idea, though it's not my dummies section so I'll have to check with Sinperium. I guess my add a race template is pretty boring though and just propagates the masses doing mesh overs of the existing races. Now that I think about it this section is already covered in the dummies section. Phew, was almost worried I was going to have to put more work in.
Included will be a section on making your own models instead of using generally crappy ones that were made by someone else, for something else.
Not be specific or anything quite like that... *cough* This one *cough*
I guess that would mean something if I new what it was meant for. All I know is the original modeller gave permission to use the models he created however and they came un-skinned as well.
It really is a mashup race of different shit so can't argue there, but I like how it ended up in the end. Sorta reflects how I think how a group of various corporations would have distinctive looks if they came together. Considering it was an idea I put together on a whim I'm not at all displeased how it turned out.
Frankly I'm not out to wow anybody with my mod, so your not really going to upset me if you make fun of my stuff. There's shit I look at and scratch my head over. Difference is it is my mod, and I've chosen to release it let others play if they want. If they enjoy, great! if not, that's fine too. I simply like the creation process of modding and have built quite a bit of stuff with this game that have benefited quite a few mods outside of my own. in the last two and half years since I started modding I've learned to make my own models, uv-map various ways, texture, learn the syntax of sins, create tools others can use, help other mods get passed issues they were having, take over a mod that was dying but people still had interest in. So really you can just stuff it if you don't like people standing up when someone makes an asinine comment about this community and we should all look the other way because of some misguided idea about who they are.
and now the zombie is going to look for some gum which should end up more entertaining than this was.