Haha, good video, just a couple issues.
From what I have found, Max is the royal pain in the ass, so I guess it is just what you're used to.
Glossiness in the mesh is for Sins Lighting, imagine holding a light bulb next to the model very close and then moving it away from the model. As I do all my work in XSI I set this in the material property. You can see it easiest maybe with planets, in DEV mode zoom in on a planet and set the glossiness in the mesh, it will change on the fly.
To make the ship glossy is Sins is done with the -da texture red chanel I think, more white more gloss, black is flat or no gloss, See advent for High gloss ships. See TEC for very little.
No five sided polys, those you fixed looked like 5 sides or more. They often will be 'bent'. I tend to keep all my polys tris to avoid bending polys.
In XSI script editor I can type in the coordinates of the bad vertex and zoom to its location.
Yes, XSI does have smoothing but values are not exported to mesh. I would have to see your model in XSI but in XSI the hardest edge you can get is an unwelded edge,tangents will simulate smoothing with lighting, you can also make edges look harder with tangents but not nearly as hard as a double edge.
I should have been pausing and writing, I already forget some other stuff I wanted to mention. Other than that, super video.