Aussie all the way! And unlucky to you, when I was in yr 10, we only had to do one mock exam at the end of the year, to prep us for yr 11 exams. It didnt help in the slightest lol. I actually enjoy the exam weeks (as weird as that sounds) Because i only have to do 4 exams, and they are spread out over two weeks, so ive got heaps of time in between to study/catch up with my mates/ relax. During school days, I walk to school and study with my friends in a spare classroom, and we walk over to maccas and brung food back to eat in front of all the pitiful little yr 8's lol. Haha woops, Ive derailed the thread pretty bad. Sorry guys!
Maybe I can help get it back on track by mentioning the game i recently had with a friend. I was Chaos, and he was IN, and it was a blockade run. In the end, he won by a measly 70 VP, but it was still the most fun game I had played to date. The highlight was when his floatilla of blockade-running ships tried to race through a weak point in my blockade, suffering the loss of his Dauntless 'Achillies'. The hulk drifted about aimlessly, until I realised that he was going to slip through, so I made the desperate decision to shoot at the hulk, even though my crippled Hades 'Rape of Virtue' was right next to it. It was very successful, the hulk exploding under a plasma drive overload, engulfing a good 80% of his fleet in one go, and my Hades made it out with only one sheild down. Was a very memorable moment of my BFG life, I cant wait until next game! Heres the link to the battle report I wrote on Port Maw (The BFG fan site I go to) But you will need to be a member to see the pictures.