Hmmmm.. I get the feeling that article was somewhat ambivalent, dry and unfocused as well as incredibly short for a feature article. I also did not come away from it with really any insights on the multiplayer aspects of play except for the bounty system. I guess that is why the "staff" is credited for writing it.
You guys should have had Charles Onyett to do it because he did the game preview and the single player hands-on stories for IGN and his writing style is informative. Moreover it add high degree of credibility to the story because he would likely be the most knowledgeable about the game at IGN at least from a public perspective. When I see a new name or worse yet no name at all I have to wonder "why is this so?".
Additionally, what is up with most of those comments? Are those guys in the beta if so they should clearly identify themselves as such. As it stands now the posts come across as mindless dribble with no merit and questionable intent to say the least.
Yarlen should open up a big huge can of whoopass!