Welcome all! The Galactic Senate will be our new meeting room to decide on metaverse matters! This means that this is it's sole function...for now. This may change. This is not a slander thread like the Galactic Council one. There is no tolerance for profanity and swearing. The leader of the senate will be voted upon once every 3 weeks! When the leader's term is up, he may be elected as many times as the voters want...unlimited! You may vote for yourself! If the leader of the Senate does something inappropriate on this thread, then he will be immediately ousted and his throat will be slit with a razor. Then we'll rip his heart out and "The Legions of Darkness" (The Raiders special forces) will feast on it! To be elected, one must have at least 12 the most votes! You may only vote for 1 person each ELECTION! All issues must be brought to attention by either a senator or overlord of an empire! A citizen may bring up an issue, but it will not be voted on until a senator or overlord formally proposes it. To be considered a senator or overlord, you must have at least one other person in your empire besides yourself and you must have senator status!That's all there is to say....now let's get started!AMENDMENTS:1. Anyone who is a senator in more than 1 empire counts as 2 votes but NOT 2 people! If you wish to be counted as a "Super" Senator, you must send me a PM telling me which empires you're a senator in.2. The leader of the 1st place empire counts as 3 votes!3. Free beer for all in attendance, but not to excess.4. To pass anything, it must receive at least 12 6 votes, but if the nos outweigh the yeses, then it does not get passed.Current First Place Empire Leader: Kzinti PatriarchCURRENT SENATE LEADER: DSepNEXT ELECTION: Whenever I decide...but i'm a dictator, so i proably won't. -Dave
and so the Senate fell. The Senate hall was taken by the great Irken Empire and was rebuilt as a giant Taco stand. THE END
I'll take two Burritos and a Tostada please!
It's one thing to let the senate die, it's another to just proclaim its death!
Which penguin?
both penguins and any other penguins that try to enter the sacred halls of the Galactic Senate!
I return to chaos... can't I leave you kids to play nice for 4 days without having to maintain what little order I can produce?
It's supposed to be...it's also to get more people to post here
What do I have to do with people posting here? Honestly J was trying to make a joke, besides this post was screwed from the minute it started.
I take that very offencively. I was a senator, and leader of the senate for sometime.
I say we turn this into a memorial for the Senates fall and mark this day a public holiday were kids can come and play with tommy guns and slaves. I have my bullets painted red so I know who I kill.
Blah blah blah, I say bomb them!
Well I was going to help with your Bringers of Light mod but now I'm not gonna.
Silent Bob must speak up on these dire times indeed
now were you? you never said anything about that....send me a pm or talk to me on ms messenger or something
i'd even consider unbanishing you from the senate...maybe
Yep I was but now I hope your mod turns out to be shit. Besides I'm working on a mod of my own.
Shit is too strong of a word...i apologize for my brethren's outburst......Play nice sethie....
I know this is just an attampt by the ToE or someone else, I'd like to let you know that I'm not stupid.
that's a bit harsh...modders aren't supposed to wish ill on each other...so shut up a bit.
i dont know about that...you should see his grades!!!!
I'm gonna just ignore you.
Dude, I just love the irony of your posts.
By telling him you are ignoring him, you weren't ignoring him.
I'm not PP!
honestly, seth, please stop using 3 accounts, it's getting really annoying.
LOL is Penquin Penquin Momma Penquin
I am not using three accounts. Penguin_Penguin, I'm on to you. I'm 100% sure you just a ToE member attempting to get me mad for your amusement.
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