Rap and Hip Hop
63 |
Everything Else |
Negative karma?
118 |
Everything Else |
Is Disney gonna buy EA?
2 |
Everything Else |
Star Wars
8 |
Everything Else |
Nintendo abandons core gamers
2 |
Console Games |
Am I the only VG Cats fan here?
12 |
Everything Else |
Why Impulse?
7 |
Everything Else |
Friend/ignore list
11 |
Everything Else |
What would ruin Galciv III for me (a rant)
6 |
PC Gaming |
2k's excuss for not having Civilization Revolution on PC, total BS?
31 |
PC Gaming |
Remake of what movie.
8 |
Everything Else |
Seth's Lego Comic
4 |
Everything Else |
Your Opinions on George Bush
7 |
Everything Else |
Piracy ain't the only reason why PC gaming is dying (my rant)
50 |
PC Gaming |
How Scince fiction fans are sterotyped.
18 |
Everything Else |
1 |
Everything Else |
Something about Scifi channel i don't get.
53 |
Everything Else |
Who hates EA games
55 |
PC Gaming |
Games for Window The Official Magazine's crtics= mean
15 |
PC Gaming |
19 |
PC Gaming |
Lord Kona vs Darth Vader vs Kane
49 |
PC Gaming |