there is also a stargate mod, which I am working on.our site is Here
actually there is a BSG mod in the works as of now feel free to visit the mod siteWWW Link
Ill be honest i love both those shows and i wish you both much luck in this, but honestly There isn't enough Canon material for ether of those shows to make a realistic true to series mod out of this game. You are going to have to seriously fudge so much material that it wont even resemble the original series anymore.
BSG only has a few types of warship ever appearing in the series, and as far as multiple types of battle star, they only ever show three. One only being a cameo and its not even clear if its a different class of Battle Star.
Now i think this would make an awesome campaign, but a full on fleet mod, not so much.
Stargate is even worse. Not only are there only three types of earth ship ever shown in the series, four if you count the puddle jumper, but over 99% of all the action in those shows takes place via the Stargate. The show is called Stargate, thats what the show focuses on. Not space combat. Although cool, the only way a true to series Stargate mod for this game could work would be setting the whole thing a hundred years in the future when earth has built more than three of the capital ships.