It's June 6th, 2008 as I write this.
Like many, I've read the various forums - even those at 1C's and Katauri's websites. There have been a hints and half-promises that we'll get a real release date but those come and go.
As much as I love Space Rangers 2 in it's current form, the version available to those of us that speak and read English should be updated with all the features in the latest Russian version released last year.
Am I hungry for this update? Yes!
Space Rangers 2 has been, in my opinion, one of the best space adventures produced in a very long time. Until or unless the Starflight III projects folks pull their thumbs out, this is it.
I can live without SR2 Reload/Reboot/v2.0/whatever-they-are-calling-it BUT it would be nice if someone could tell us that we're not going to get it and that we have to make do with what we have.