There are 5 Stages to a game if your skilled online player
- Pre-Military : Before you can get LRMs . All are equal simply because its risky to attack pre-military anyway. TEC might have the edge because of Sova rush.
TEC = Vasari = Advent
- Post-Military : Once you get LRMs . Different phases.... Early goes quickly.
Early : Vasari > TEC > Advent(who havent got theirs up yet)
Late : Advent > TEC > Vasari
- Cruiser/Support-Stage : Once you have gained Tech 5-6 and various weapon upgrades.
Vasari > Advent > TEC
- Econ-Boom Stage : Once you start using auto-place and dumping tradeports and pressing green cog buttons randomly with booming cash , and capture any remaining militia planets. Trying to get trade income to support growing fleet supply. Just having more ships starts to override support micro.
TEC > Advent > Vasari
- Late-Game : Once you have decided its too laggy to micro supports and think its better to rapid tap defence structure buttons randomly , porc your units and think about a late game killer so you can finally go to sleep.
Vasari > Advent > TEC