This mod is IN BETA! While tested before release for download, it is not complete and may have errors. Enjoy!
In the spirit of games like "Wing Commander" and "Starlancer" I have begun work on a mod that will put Capital Ships and their Fighter/Bomber support as the Kings of the Battlefield. I want to get a feel from the community on the direction and balance of this mod. Any Conversion or general modders that would like to use my work please feel free! Just drop a post by saying u have used so i can check it out!
The Mod file contains an Excel file with the current changes to the game. You must unzip the mod into your :
C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\
Once done you can launch Sins. At the main menu go to Options -> Mods -> Then Enable the "CapMod" and start your favorite single player map!